
Planning your next event, strategy day, or team brainstorm?

OpenGenius Creativity Workshops Powered by AI

Let us motivate your team to think differently at your next virtual event, strategy day or team brainstorm

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Are you looking to power up your creativity?

We would love to speak with you about your next event. Please leave your details and we will respond within 24 hours.

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We will not share your data withany third party companies. This information is only used by our team and trainers to support your event.

people attending meeting

VR is a computergenerated simulationof a 3D environmentA machine that openswormholes to otherplanetsA VR experiencewhere users can visitdifferent planetsA spaceship that ispowered by the sunA new form ofspace travelIdeasQuestionsExplainIdeasQuestionsExplain

Supercharge your team, grow your business

We have helped Nobel laureates, Governments, Royal Families, CEOs and 1000’s more. We use a combination of motivational speakers, workshops and our own AI tools to spark new thinking.

See the workshops

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Teams are tired of virtual meetings and events! Here is why…

A survey by Twingate reported in June 2020 that of 1000 remote employees interviewed, 40% experienced mental exhaustion from video calls.

The forgetting curve graph

Virtual workshops should have lasting impact, otherwise…

  • Your team will feel their time has been wasted
  • You end up with lots of ideas with none being actioned
  • Attendees forget most of what they learnt by the next day
  • You wasted your money!

Why badly delivered virtual meetings are energy-sucking!

  • No break from screens
  • No engagement, easy to be distracted and do other things
  • Harder than face-to-face conversation
  • Use of the wrong technology causes barriers
Virtual meetings boredom

You want to fire them up not burn them out

Doodle surveyed over 1100 U.S. employees, 38% said virtual meetings can lead to them being exhausted and 30% said they caused stress.

Let OpenGenius help. We deliver motivating speakers, inspiring content, and fun engagement.

We asked Stanford University for feedback from attendees on our event. Here are the results.







Standford University Logo

Top comment:

"Great info for being successful in current times."

OpenGenius – kickstarting creativity for 16 years

Delivering game changing workshops, coaching, and technology, we are a global leader in the field of creativity and innovation.

We use a combination of motivational speaking, online and offline activities to prevent screen exhaustion, and proprietary AI technology to capture ideas in a fun visual way.

Meeting around table

Fun, yet highly practical, workshops

  • They will feel their time is valued
  • We help solve real problems
  • We instill an ‘everything is possible’ mindset
  • You will get long term results

Engagement is absolutely everything – especially for virtual events

  • Activities prior to events kickstart engagement
  • Mix of online and offline activities stops boredom
  • Motivation creates ‘everything is possible’ mindset
  • Use of our own technology ensures ideas are captured and actioned
Meeting two

Supercharge your next event

The European Commission, Pfizer, State Bank of India,  Dimensional Fund Advisors and many other companies across the globe, have invited us to kickstart their creativity.

Our CEO, Chris Griffiths, is a world-leading expert in innovation. He is multiple time TEDx speaker, has done keynotes at Stanford, The London Stock Exchange,  and European Business Awards, and has appeared in numerous publications including BBC, Forbes, and The Telegraph. He built a training and consulting network of over 1000 creativity and innovation coaches worldwide. Chris is a best selling author translated into over 15 languages.

Dalai Lama with Chris Griffiths

Forbes Magazine, ICON Event, Prague

Quote BeginChris Griffiths advises the largest companies in the world to be better.Quote End

Forbes Magazine, ICON Event, Prague

Jan Mühlfeit, Executive coach/mentor, former chairman of Microsoft Europe, author of The Positive Leader

Quote Begin... a powerful, hands-on approach to tap into our creative flow and become masters in our chosen field. An essential resource for anyone looking to ‘be different’ and create at their highest capacity!Quote End

Jan Mühlfeit, Executive coach/mentor, former chairman of Microsoft Europe, author of The Positive Leader

Step-by-step Real World Creative Problem Solving:

AI Powered Creativity Workshops (Virtual)

Choose from 4 practical workshops. Learn tools and processes that work.

Includes the use of specialist AI powered brainstorming software and creativity testing tools.

Workshop 1 – Creativity Kickstarter (60min)

  • A great way to start off any virtual team meeting or event
  • Prime your team to think creatively
  • Engage an ‘everything is possible’ mind-set
  • Provide the motivation to try a new approach

Workshop 2 – Understanding the problem (60min)

  • Identify the real challenge – ask are you solving the right problem
  • How to identify and overcome thinking errors and biases
  • Why you must avoid assumptions that will make an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and ‘me’
  • Get a clear understanding of the problem through tried and tested processes

Workshop 3 – Generating Game Changing Ideas (90min)

  • Generate more and better quality ideas to push beyond the obvious
  • Learn why most brainstorms fail
  • Avoid status quo bias, you don’t want the old same solutions
  • Supercharge creativity by using the correct tools and techniques

Workshop 4 – Evaluation and Direction (60min)

  • Sort, filter, and evaluate chosen solutions using whole brain thinking
  • Discover why reliance on data and logic alone, may lead to poor decisions
  • How to avoid looking for complex solutions to simple problems
  • Choose the best option using proven methodologies that give clarity


PRICE: On application

Up to 30 attendees can attend per workshop but for a more personal experience we recommend 10 or less. Please contact us for solutions for larger audiences.



Need an inspiring keynote Speaker?

Kickoff any event with a live motivational talk on ‘Thinking Without The Box’ with Chris Griffiths

Keynote – Thinking Without The Box
(20 – 30 min)

  • How to think without the box
  • When you know what the ‘box’ is, and remove it, you unleash unlimited creativity
  • Proof that ‘anything is possible’
  • A fun and interactive session that will get your audience thinking differently
Chris Griffiths Keynote Speaker

PRICE: on application

Up to 300 attendees. Can be recorded for internal use only. Please contact us for pricing for larger audiences or for live in person requirements.


Listen to what others think of our creativity training


Bob Urichuck

Quote BeginOrganisations are proclaiming the need to work smarter – Chris Griffiths provides a map of how to do that.Quote End

Bob Urichuck Author

Robert Fischer

Quote BeginI feel I can apply this immediately and it will have an impact.Quote End

Robert Fischer Senior Vice President, Morgan Stanley, USA

Mike Palmer

Quote BeginThe course was the cherry on the cake for me. It offered many new insights. I was inspired by the course, instructors and other delegates alike.Quote End

Mike Palmer Logistics SME, Boeing

Gopal Raja

Quote BeginMy brain has been given a boost… Very inspirational. This is as good as it gets.Quote End

Gopal Raja CEO, Ideation Inc

Ed Allan

Quote Begin(It's) profoundly changed my way of thinking and creating solutions, and has sounded a creative voice that I did not know existed.Quote End

Ed Allan Rear Admiral, US Navy (Rtd.)

Tim Hurson

Quote BeginChris shows with clarity and persuasiveness that creative thinking is not magic, but a process that can be learned, developed, and most importantly applied to the challenges, whether business or personal, that confront us all.Quote End

Tim Hurson Author of 'Think Better: An Innovator's Guide to Productive Thinking'

Dominic McKenny

Quote BeginTruly life changing… opened my eyes to thinking differently and being more creative. Many colleagues noticed the change and the business is ultimately seeing the benefit.Quote End

Dominic McKenny Director of IT, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust



Examples of past events

  • The European Commission, Senior Leadership Teams, The Hague
  • AXA Wealth, UK
  • Institute of Financial Planners, UK
  • State Bank of India, UK
  • Healthcare People Management Association, UK
  • European Academy for Direct and Interactive Marketing,UK
  • The National Health Service (NHS), UK
  • Academy Wales, Welsh Government, UK
  • Biggerplate Conference Unplugged, UK
  • The Sunday Times Business Roadshow events, UK
  • LikeMinds Innovation Conference, UK
  • Lambert Smith Hampton (ES-group), UK
  • Global Pets Forum, Nice, France
  • Dimensional Fund Advisors, London
  • Pfizer Inc., USA
  • European Business Awards, Warsaw
  • Petra Nobel – Annual Conference of Nobel Laureates, Jordan
  •, UK
  • Diamond Sphere Trading LLP, Monaco
  • ICON 2014, Prague
  • Mind Mapping and Technology Conference, Singapore Institute of Management
  • Optimiza Academy, Khartoum, Sudan
  • Ideas First Conference, Ukraine
  • Turnitin, USA
  • The Scottish Parliament, Scotland
  • Sharjah Business Women Council, Tec Marina, Wales
  • TEDxCardiff, Tramshed Cardiff, Wales
  • TEDx ODED, Cardiff
  • London Stock Exchange, UK
  • Shenzhen Stock Exchange, China
  • Stanford University CME Live, USA

Ayoa all in one productivity software

We have developed AI powered technology that will empower your team to find solutions

We also create the software solutions and testing instruments to put innovative thinking into action on a daily basis. Our technology is used by over 1 million people around the globe and within companies such as Disney, the BBC, De Beers, NASA, Intel, Microsoft, Apple, Oxfam, Sony, Pepsi and the University of Oxford.

OpenGenius Decision Radar

The Functional Creativity Test

This activity helps you to understand how you can use functional creativity to improve daily processes and make balanced decisions. Our unique tool will highlight the key risk areas in your creative decision-making and will recommend how to improve.

Offline Resources

Gain immediate access to a host of free downloads to support your creative sessions:

  • Canvas templates
  • Checklists
  • Commitment traffic lights
  • Solution finder matrix
Free resources from OpenGenius



Become a certified Mind Map Innovator

Ayoa is more than just tech

As world leaders in innovation, we’ve built Ayoa to be much more than just a tool for ideation and task management – it is a whole new way of achieving your goals.

Through our global training and powerful software solutions, we are on a mission to educate, motivate and facilitate practical innovation into your everyday – so you can dare to achieve more.

Join our global network of professionals by clicking here.